Cinema vocabulary

What's the names of rooms?

1. Place, where you can by tickets, pop-corn and meet your friends before film starts.

2. Place, full of seats. You look film here.

Is anyone of it called "hall"? :)

2017年9月5日 06:40
コメント · 3

Do you mind if start by correcting your question? :

What are names of these rooms?

The place where you can buy tickets and popcorn, and meet your friends before the film starts.

The place full of seats. You watch the film here.

Is either of these places called a hall?


Now for some answers.

1. Foyer, as in "Let's meet in the foyer".

2. Auditorium is the correct term, but this is not often used. We tend to refer to the 'rooms' where the films are screened by the term 'screen', as in "This cinema has ten screens".

By the way, if you happen to be talking to American English speakers, note that AE prefers the terms 'movie theater' and 'movie' rather than 'cinema' and 'film'. But any of these terms would be understood, regardless of who you are speaking to.

And no, I wouldn't call either of those places a hall.


1. Foyer (I guess you could also say hall)

2. Screen (I know that's a confusing one), theatre 

Cinema Theater :)