Nancy Nguyen
TOEIC test with new version Have Anyone tried to take new TOEIC with 4 skills? Plz share some details and experiences? And Can you share which books do you think it's good to practice?

Thank so much

2019年4月24日 06:35
コメント · 11


If you only have 2 months, I recommend "Target Score for the New TOEIC" by Cambridge University Press.

For the speaking part, I sincerely think that you need the one-on-one lesson with a native speaker. If you already did, that's cool.

If not, try to get at least 5 lessons to boost your confidence.

I took TOEFL recently and have information about it's content and structure but not TOEIC. 
Well...u can go to find a partner who have heavy accent ,and then chat with him more than one month ,your listening abilities will have a great improvement ,like me,an good example ,almost full mark of TOEIC listening test


And!to improve the reading abilities ,you can look for the text books which have articles with many people names and date and some details information..

I think it will help you answer the questions more quickly


The others two kinda test(speaking and writing)I don't know the tips...because I have no experience 😂

Hello friend. My name is Jeffery.

I am originally from Sweden but live in USA and I have read your information.

I can help improve your English. We learn from each other little by little. I habe plans to

Learn a new language before my first vsit to China and open to travel experiences I have heard about the Great Wall of China. I want to visit.

@Mojtaba: could you share experiences of all that skills, you know.

Many thanks
