I'm Spanish woman and I'm learning English. I would like to exchange Spanish classes for English classes
Hi. My name is Maria. I'm Spanish and I'm learning English. I would like to exchange Spanish classes for English classes with an English speaker. Although I am a lawyer, I have training and experience in teaching Spanish. You can contact me at [email protected] I look forward to seeing you! 

2019年9月15日 18:44
コメント · 6
Here I am
I can help u
Hey, Maria. I'm a Native English speaker from Chicago. I am also TEFL certified and have experience in teaching English. I'm looking to improve my level of Spanish. I'd love to do a intercambio de idiomas contigo. Somethink 20 minutes of English and then 20 minutes of Spanish. What do you think?

Take care - Anthony
I can practice with you
hello everyone !!! recently i created english practice group and my native english speaker friends everyday helps us in english . if you guys interested please write me skype or italki . my skype id is mustansar181 whatsapp +9203235533940