How to pronounce Norwegian letters (ÆØÅ)

The our Norwegian alphabet is similar to the English alphabet, except from that we have 3 more letters. The 3 letters <em>'</em>Æ' (æ), 'Ø' (ø), and 'Å' (å) comes after<em> 'Z' (z)</em> in the said order <em>(æ,ø,å)</em>. All three of them are vowels.

Æ: The æ-sound is similar to the 'a' in the english words <em>"bad"</em> and <em>"sad"</em>.
Ø: The ø-sound is similar to the 'u' in <em>"burn"</em> and <em>"sun"</em>.
Å: The å-sound is similar to the 'o' in <em>"born"</em> and <em>"horns"</em>. 

Try practicing the sounds by saying the words with a long vowel. Example: Saying "bad" with a long 'a'; "baaad" - to practice the æ-sound.

After practicing the sounds, you can try pronouncing some Norwegian words with 'æ', 'ø', and 'å':
Bær <em>(= Berries)</em>. This word is pronunced with pressure on 'æ' <em>[Bææær]</em>. Try saying "b,b,b", "æ,æ,æ" and "r,r,r" to practice.

Båt <em>(= Boat)</em>. This word is pronounced with pressure on 'å' <em>[Båååt]</em>. Try saying "b,b,b", "å,å,å" and "t,t,t" to practice.

Bøker <em>(= Books)</em>. This word is pronounced with pressure on 'ø' and 'e' <em>[Bøøøkeeer]</em>. Try saying each of the letters repeatedly to practice.

Some "funfacts":
<em>"Bø!" </em>is the Norwegian version of <em>"Boo!" (when trying scare people).</em> It can be said with both a short and long 'ø'.

"Bæ" is the Norwegian spelling and pronounciation of a sheep's bleating <em>(English version: "Baah")</em>. It can be said with both a short and long 'ø' <em>(but mostly long)</em>.

Good luck!

<em>Jeg vil gjerne få tilbakemeldinger og eventuelt konstruktiv kritikk på om dette ble riktig, evt. skrivefeil, om det var lærerikt, om jeg burde utdype eller skrive mer om temaet, osv. Også hva jeg burde skrive om neste gang! Takk.</em>

<em>I really want to get some feedback on if this was helpful or not, and if I should write more about æøå! And also other things you want me to help with. Thank you.</em>


2012年5月10日 20:18
コメント · 1
You wrote ""Bæ" is the (...) both a short and long '<em>ø</em>' <em>(but mostly long)</em>.", i belive it's supposed to be æ and not ø. It might confuse someone.