Hi, can anyone give me some advice about rent a house in UK?

I'm going to study in UK this Sep, so I have to rent a house or flat.

But when I survey "renting house in UK" on-line, lots of Chinese people warning about agency and landlord are not honest there.

My question is, I'm not familiar with Uk's law , does anyone have some recommed agency or good solution about this? 

2015年7月3日 06:30
コメント · 2

Where exactly in the UK are you going ?  How much money is your rent budget ? This will prety much limit the type of house/room you will rent.


Have you checked popular renting Web sites ?


It is a good thing that you started researching the issue now.  You need to get it resolved fast because in September with all the students coming in the UK and classes starting, it will be hard to find a good place to rent.


Good luck.


I'm going to middlesbrough to study in Teesside University.

Due to some reasons, I can't arrive UK earlier than 8/30.

Most confusing problem to me is the agency fee, it seems like there is no standard on charging agency fee while renting flat from agency.

I also worry about bond back issue, there are some cases on internet that some international students can't take their bond back after the end of house contract.

I've already check some popular Web sites, but those are just ads. I wonder is there any recommend letting agency names from local. It will be more dependable then Web sites.

Thanks for answering.

