Sherri✨ Kids&Adults
How to say family members in Chinese? Let's learn how to say them together! Welcome beginner Chinese leraners to scribe! More about Sherri Chinese Podcast: I have prepared more materials to you, welcome to download them.
EP.4 Family Members in Chinese
2024年9月19日 07:52
コメント · 3
All of your ways to teach Chinese for non native Chinese speakers should be both in voice and by typing which reflects what you just talk about, trying to use as many as English first then immediately interpreter into Chinese without omitting anything you are saying in Chinese and thus foreigner learning Chinese would be wisdom enough to "calibrate" two languages to have time and space to digest the nub between two languages. Another, try your utmost to offer exact rules or regulations in which foreigner will have the source to sustain. The way of your speaking Chinese is extremely up to standard , which will be bound to absorb more and more foreigners to come into your "studio" where they would glad to comfortably to learn Chinese as far as possible.