What is the difference between 根本, 基本 and 基础? As far as my dictionary says first two both mean "basic", "fundamental". The last one is "basis", "foundation". Since the last one also could be used as an adjective (eg: 基础课) I'm a bit confused...
2013年2月20日 07:53
回答 · 4
根本:1. (基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 2. (全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 3. (彻底) radically; thoroughly eg;. Don't be a cry baby.That tiny scratch can hardly hurt at all. 不要一碰就哭,那么一点伤根本就不怎么痛。 基本:1. (根本的) basic; fundamental basic concept; fundamental view基本观点basic law基本规律basic principles基本原则the fundamental rules of arithmetic数学的基本原理 2. (主要的) main; essential essential features基本特征main conditions基本条件 3. (基础的) elementary; rudimentary elementary knowledge基本知识 4. (大体上) basically; in the main; on the whole; by and large egIt's best to stick to basics when planning such a large party. 筹划这麼大型的聚会最好着眼于基本的东西。 基础:1. (泛指事物发展的根本或起点) foundation; base; basis 2. (把建筑物、机器等的荷重传递给地基的结构) base; seat; groundwork; bottom; underpinnings; substruction; foundation; subbasement 基础基础【Foundation】指建筑底部与地基接触的承重构件,它的作用是把建筑上部的荷载传给地基。因此地基必须坚固、稳定而可靠。 工程结构物地面以下的部分结构构件,用来将上部结构荷载传给地基,是房屋、桥梁、码头及其他构筑物的重要组成部分。
根本: can be used as N. or ADV. when used as Noun, it means Basic and important part of a thing or an object. when used as ADV(always in negative sentences), it means absolutely, eg. 根本不对=absolutely wrong 基本:or 基本上,can be used as ADV. 基础:Noun when used independently. when it is in front of other Noun, it is ADJ.
First,基本 is similar as 基础,but 基本 can be used as【adj】基本原则 and【adv】基本上;but 基础 is【n.】打基础 and【adj】基础课. Then let's see the word'根本' it can replace 基本,like【adj】根本(的)原则、基本(的)原则,but it‘s much more deep than 基本。 I‘d like to give you a sentence:从【根本】上讲,词汇是学好语言的【基础】,我们只有掌握了【基本】词汇才能掌握一门语言。 PS forgive my poor English,you can ask me if you have any question.