Can I say "Blin" in Russia without fear? I eat and love the Russian food; blin. In fact, it is also bad word. Should I be afraid to ask like "I want to eat blin" ? What is this blin thing? Is it like "Oh, sh*t!" ?
2013年7月14日 02:02
回答 · 9
Привет! You don't need to be afraid to use it. Even though you are right that in certain situations it's a mild form of "$h!t", it is quite mild and you really have to mean it for it to sound like that. Think about it this way: in English, you want to say "$h!t", so you start "SH..." and then you see a little kid nearby, so you quickly go "... eeez". In Russian you would basically use "blin" instead of another very strong expletive. But on it's own it is just a "pancake". Hope it helps, but please ask more questions :) Cheers!
Thank you guys too! I quickly missed Russia/Ukraine. Lovely languages.
1. BLIN- it is pancake 2. yes it is like "Oh, sh*t!, but not exactly So, if you say "blin" don't be afraid, it is not bad word:))
Blin have a 2 meaning. 1. Food - like a cake, round form. 2. Just a word, often meaning a disapointment, may be other not very strong bad emothions. Examples 1. Блин, зачем ты это сделал? - Ehh/uhh/ohh, why you did it? 2. Блин, сегодня воскресенье! - Damn/Ohh/Why/Wow, today is sunday! 3. Я хочу съесть блин/поесть блинов - I want to eat a cake...
You can even say: "Blin gare'liy"