Nancy Wang
Question about a Chinese rhyme: What does it mean? 嘴巴尖,身子长 写字时,它最忙。 What does this little rhyme mean? I think it has something to do with a pencil. I think I understand the 2nd line: "When it's time to write, it is the busiest." What does the 1st line mean exactly?
2014年3月6日 23:15
回答 · 9
嘴巴 尖 = the mouth is protruding 身子 长 = the body is long 写字时,它最忙 = When it's time to write, it is the busiest it's the rhymed riddle about a pencil
The first line'嘴巴 尖' means the nip is sharp. 身子 长 means it has a long body. The answer of the riddle is a pencil or a writing brush,but the former takes most possibilities.
筆 鉛筆 毛筆 鋼筆 圓珠筆 ... 嘴巴尖 : 筆尖 身子長 : 筆桿
The first line describes what pencil looks like: it has sharp pencil point and long body