Kelly Xu
She has an uncanny knack for picking winners from the local form guide, Fifty years in the one spot. It's no wonder she's wildly popular in her part of Southwark, the busy chattering stalls set apart from the glistening dress circle of Docklands. Some of her oldest clients have known her since the closest she got to a pair of scissors was the broom cupboard out back, and there's no one else they'd trust now to set their lavender perms. 'People aren't daft,' Auntie Rita says, give 'em a bit of love and they'll never stray.' She has an uncanny knack for picking winners from the local form guide, too, which can't be bad for business. I cannot fully understand the paragraph. Any one could help me explain it. Thank you very much. PS Auntie Rita runs a hair salon in London.
2014年3月11日 12:57
回答 · 6
She has been in business a long time and has loyal customers who have been coming to her for years. Some of them have known her since before she became a hairdresser. She can pick the winning horses from the racing guides. Her customers get her advice about the horses and then place bets at the racetrack.