When is 行 = xing 。When is 行 = hang? Are there any shortcuts know which is which? 谢 谢
2008年10月1日 07:02
回答 · 12
just personally collection and summary: 行 xing2 = v. and the relative adj., adv. and n. 1. walk, go; eg. 行走/xing2 zou3 2. travel, be on a tour; eg. 旅行/lv3 xing2 travelling; eg. 行李/xing2 li3 3. pass, transfer; eg. 行销/xing2 xiao1 current, flowing, popular; eg. 行云流水/xing2 yun2 liu2 shui3, 风行/feng1 xing2 temporary; eg. 行营/xing2 ying2 4. do; eg. 进行/jin4 xing2, 行礼/xing2 li3, 履行/lv3 xing2 perambulate; eg. 行巡/xing2 xun2 apply, use; eg. 行使/xing2 shi3 sail, drive; eg. 行驶/xing2 shi3 well-done, great; eg. 你真行/ni3 zhen1 xing2 behavior, conduct; eg. 行为/xing2 wei2, 品行/pin3 xing2 ok, yes, sure, be allowed; eg. 不行/bu4 xing2 5. be going to, would, soon; eg. 行将…/xing2 jiang1... 6. ancient idea of basic elements; eg. 五行/wu3 xing2 7. an ancient style of poem; eg. 长歌行/chang2 ge1 xing2 8. an ancient style of writting scription; eg. 行书/xing2 shu1 hang2 = n. and the relative adj. and adv. 1. road; eg. 行街/hang2 jie1 2. line, row; eg. 行列/hang2 lie4 order, sequence, seniority among brothers and sisters; eg. 排行/pai2 hang2 army, troop; eg. 行伍/hang2 wu3 3. business, trade, industry, profession; eg. 行业/hang2 ye4, 行情/hang2 qing2 business firm; eg. 银行/yin2 hang2, 商行/shang1 hang2 expert; eg. 行家/hang2 jia1 行走=walk 旅行=travel 行李=baggage 行销=marketing 行云流水=natural and smooth (writing) 风行=be popular 行营=temporary barracks 进行=go along, process 行礼=salute, make one's obedience to ... 履行=perform 行巡=perambulate 行使=use, perform, exercise 行驶=drive, sail 你真行=you are well done 行为=action 品行=morality 不行=no 行将=be going to 五行 长歌行 行书 行街=wide road 行列=row and column, line, procession 排行=sequence 行伍=troop 行业=trade, industry, profession 行情=market 银行=bank 商行=business firm 行家=expert
xing means ok,while hang refers to a line or a row.
顶2楼 agree with floor 2
There are different prouncation between xing and hang. You use tell them from the contexts. For English, I like you. I am like you.(how do you tell when 'like' is used as foundness or similar to...)
According to my experience, "Xing" is for verb, even in "xing li"(luggage, it is a noun.) , but "xing" is the verb, "li" is the noun in this word. "Hang" is for noun. Hope it will help you more or less.