Yoshinori Shigematsu
The sentence I don't understand This is the excerpt of the text book I've been using in History class. People on the fringes of Chinese culture who learned to read Chinese for pragmatic reasons of advancing or defending their interests were more effectively drawn into Chinese culture than they would have been if China had had a phonetic script. Reading and writing for them could not be easily detached from the body of Chinese texts imbued with Chinese values, making it difficult for them to use their literacy to articulate the vision of local population defined in opposition to China. Could anyone rephrase the last part (from "making it difficult")? I don't quite get the meaning.
2016年5月3日 23:30
回答 · 4
Yes. Very wordy! Here is my interpretation: People who learned to read Chinese with their own sensible motivations or reasons (in this case, advancing or defending their interests) were more immersed into Chinese culture than they would have been if Chinese were a phonetic language. Reading and writing from Chinese texts (because they are not phonetic and tightly tied to Chinese culture) cannot be separated from Chinese values so those people cannot help opposition understand the vision of the local population just because they can read Chinese. "making it difficult" usually means something that creates a challenge or a problem. I don't know if I am helpful AT ALL. But good luck!
Wow that is a very wordy textbook. If I understand it correctly, "making it difficult" means The people were now literate but the system (Chinese writing) that they used to argue for their own interests is so closely linked with Chinese cultural values (values which the people might not agree with) it confuses the peoples' argument. Not sure if that helps.