请问“参加”和“参与”有区别吗? 如果有区别,那么它们的区别是什么呢?
2016年7月28日 22:10
回答 · 15
我觉得,这俩词语并无明显区别。在我印象中,我看中文报纸或杂志时,多看到 :参加XXX活动,参与XXX讨论。 Ⅰ.新闻标题示例 : 1. 为何女子不能参加环法大赛 (http://tech.gmw.cn/2016-07/29/content_21192192.htm) 2. 阿里巴巴否认参与竞购波兰拍卖网站Allegro (http://gd.qq.com/a/20160729/024499.htm) Ⅱ.《现代汉语词典》解释 : 参加 can1 jia1 【动词 (verb)】 1. 加入某种组织或某种活动 : 参加工会;参加选举;参加义卖活动 2. 提出(意见):这件事,请你也参加点意见。 参与 can1 yu4 【动词 (verb)】 参加(事务的计划、讨论、处理):他曾参与这个规划的制订工作。 Personally, just slight difference between 参加 and 参与. In my experience, I can usually read “参加XXX活动, 参与XXX讨论” on Chinese newspaper or magazine. From "A Modern Chinese English Dictionary" : 参加 :Join (a group,or organization, etc.) ; take part in (an activity) 1. 参加晚会 (go to an evening party) 2. 这件事你也来参加点意见吧? Come and give us your view on the matter , won’t you? 参与 : participate in; have a hand in; involve oneself in 1. 参与其事 (have a hand in the matter) 2. 参与制订计划 (participate in the drawing up of a plan);参与放款 (participate loan)
“参加、参与”很明显是两个不同的词。母语者自己觉得好象意思差不多,但你们难道没发现你并不会任意互换的使用它们吗?比如: 我下周六要去参加我朋友的婚礼 你不会说成“我下周六要去参与我朋友的婚礼” 参与其事 你不会成说“参加其事”。 等等,既然不能任意互换,怎么能说它们是含义相同的词呢? 虽然我们可以说“我参加了这场足球比赛”,也可以说“我参与了这场足球比赛”,可是大家想一想,这两句话的含义相同吗?肯定是不同的。 参加比赛,一般表示你亲自上场踢了。 参与比赛,可能你只是个组织比赛的人,或者只是跑前跑后为上场球员服务的人。 现实生活中,我们母语者就算不去细分这两个词,但绝不会任意的乱用两个词,什么时候用哪个词是不会错的。
Though they both have a similar meaning, there is a subtle difference. Both can mean 'to attend, to participate, to take part in.' The difference is that 参加 carries the meaning of attending the event as a spectator or simply being there, while 参与 carries the meaning of actually taking part in the event. Let's look at an example sentence: "我下周六要去参加我朋友的婚礼。I'm going to attend my friend's wedding next Saturday." The use of 参加 here implies that you are going to the wedding and will probably sit among the guests and witness it. If we replace 参加 with 参与, it would imply that you are going to the wedding, but you have a role in the events, such as being part of the wedding party. One more sentence to clarify: “他昨天晚上参与足球比赛。Last night he played in the soccer game." Here we can translate 参与 as 'played' because it is implied that he participated in the match. If we said 参加 instead, it would mean that he was present at the game, but as a spectator. Therefore we'd translate it as 'Last night he went to the soccer game.' Hope this helps. Have a nice day : )
基本没有区别, 中国人生活中不会分得这么细的, no different in the life , just like man and male , 一个意思的啦 ,不要被迷惑
参与 比较常用于对某项活动或者某个比赛的结果不是很在乎,强调的是享受中间的过程,一般会来一句“重在参与”。