How many time vs. how much time Hi guys, Can someone explain which form is correct? Or both? How many time vs. how much time I know that "many" is related to the things that can be counted and "much" is related to things that can’t be counted. However I am wondering if there is any difference? Thanks in advance. Dave
2017年3月22日 18:05
回答 · 13
How much time is correct. Time is a concept and not referring to time units specifically. How many minutes or how many hours would be correct.
An example: Q. How many times did you sing the song? A. I sang it 3 times. Q. How much time did it take you to sing? A. It took me 5 minutes.
The correct form would be "How many hours (years, months, days, minutes, seconds, etc.)?" or "How much time?" You are correct that many is for things that can be counted (hours) and much is for things that cannot be counted (time). Correct sentences with answers would be: How many hours were you at the park? We were at the park for two hours How much time did you spend at the park? We spent two hours at the park.
no patrz: time jest niepoliczalny więc zawsze pytasz "how much time we have to do sth.." - ile czasu mamy na zrobienie tego czy tamtego ale: time - to też "raz" - wtedy ten "raz" jest policzalny - how MANY timeS do you kiss your wife for goodnight? (ile razy, nie ile czasu) a zatem nie możesz powiedzieć "how many time, bo tak nie pasuje z policzalnością, Zawsze jest "much". Za to ile razy - how many timeS - tak, oczywiście. jaśniej?? :-)
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