how do you say "我听错了","我说错了","我看错了","我写错了"…… 理解错了是missunderstand, 那么 "我听错了","我说错了","我看错了","我写错了"……这些怎么说?好像不是在前面加miss,还是直接说it's my bad / it's my fault ?
2009年4月9日 13:27
回答 · 2
"我听错了" can be "I misheard." or "I heard it wrong/incorrectly." or "I didn't hear it right/correctly." "我说错了" can be "I misspoke." or "I said it wrong/incorrectly." or "I didn't say it right/correctly." "我看错了" can be "I didn't see it right/correctly." or when you don't recognize something/someone, you can use "mistook" as in "I mistook him for your brother." "我写错了" can be "I miswrote it." or "I wrote it wrong/incorrectly." or "I didn't write it right/correctly." 前面加个"miss"没错。你提到的这四个例子中,只有"看错了"不能加"miss". Some other examples: 读错=misread (键盘)打错=mistype 拼错=misspell However, most verbs cannot add "mis-", and it is equally correct (and more colloquial/口语) to say "I ___ it wrong/incorrectly." in which "___" is the verb. Examples: 我按错了=I pressed the wrong (button). 我买错了=I bought the wrong (thing). 我记错了=I remembered (it) wrong. Hope this helps! (:
"misunderstand" is usually used in some situation that you didn't understand or a mistake in reading or listening. If you have no idea what was said, then you would say "I didn't understand." If you believed that you had translated or heard something correctly, but it turned out that you were wrong, you would say, "I misunderstood what was said." The noun "misunderstanding" is usually used for some situation that involves emotion or argument. "My sister and I had a misunderstanding." For the other phrases, you usually wouldn't say "fault", as no blame has been involved. You would say something like, "I didn't hear correctly", "I didn't say it correctly" or "I didn't say it right."