Baron Zhao
What's the difference between "expend" and "spend"? What's the difference between "expend" and "spend"? Those two words all have a meaning of costing sth. to do sth. So I wonder if there are there any examples to tell their difference?
2019年1月1日 14:10
回答 · 2
Hey! The difference is very subtle, and both verbs are synonyms of each other, meaning that they have very similar definitions, but here it is: First, to expend means to use up something or to fully consume something. For example, "if you expend all your energy working, you won't be able to do anything else later" or "The energy expended at work could be use for something else". As you can see in both example the verb indicates consumption, in this case of energy. So for the first example, if you use up all your energy at work you won't have any for other activities later. In the second example, the energy used at work could be used somewhere else. On the other hand, to spend is a verb that relates more to the expenditure of money or time. For example, "I spend my free time at the beach" or "I like to spend money shopping". Just like expend it means to use up something, but in this case it relates more specifically to time and money. They are very interchangeable, they are synonyms of each other and are used to explain each other. So the difference is minimal, however, the biggest difference is that when we use Spend we are likely talking about time or money. Please let me know if that helped or if you need further help!
hi, friend! Both of them have the same meaning!! But "spend" is used specially to talk about time and money!!