Difference between 感兴趣,有趣 and 有意思 ? Is there any difference between 感兴趣,有趣 and 有意思 ? If so, can you please give some example sentences to clarify thank you. Also, on google translate 有趣 = interesting. But 很有趣 = very funny. Is this true ?
2019年2月24日 00:39
回答 · 16
感兴趣 means to be interested in sth. e.g. 我对飞机很感兴趣 。(I‘m very interested in airplane) 有趣 means something/somebody is interesting or fun. e.g. 开飞机好有趣哟。(Flying an airplane is so interesting/fun.) 有意思 means something is interesting/meaningful. or love between man and woman. e.g. 汤姆对海伦有点意思 (Tom has a thing for Helen)
The above answer is exactly correct! So, I would like to answer this question below. (Also, on google translate 有趣 = interesting. But 很有趣 = very funny. Is this true ?) 有趣 = interesting,很有趣 = very interesting,Very funny=很好笑。 "有趣" shows a feeling that you think the thing is interesting。We use 很好笑 to describe a joke or a comedy. We usually say: 你的笑話很好笑 but not 你的笑話很有趣。 For another example, if you think someone's speech is interesting, you can say: 你的演講很有趣。 It show a feeling that you enjoys the speech.
给你举几个例子: a感兴趣 我对你很感兴趣。(1、我喜欢你。2、我觉得你很有意思,想多了解你。 我对你不感兴趣。(我不喜欢你。) b有趣 我觉得这本书很有趣。 c 有意思 这本书很有意思。=这本书很有趣。 她对你有意思。(她喜欢你。)
Sorry I didn't notice you invite me to answer the question until I reviewed my Notebook today. All of the answers are right, and Lily's answer is more comprehensive. I also would like to add an extra example, that 有趣 also can describe a person. Eg: Tom是个有趣的人。This means "Tom is a funny guy."
Thanks Ben. This clears my doubts about 很有趣。