What does 难得 糊涂 mean? Can you give an example of use? I have heard "ignorance is bliss", and also "don't look too closely and the small details. It might help to to have a modern example of usage. Thanks!
2009年7月18日 23:32
回答 · 8
That is the essence of Chinese culture,I think. People always do their best to obtain the benefit and honor in their life.However,he wouldn't likely to get it even if he worked hardly.He should feel depressed and have to anesthetize himself with "难得糊涂 ". So,it is the words that hard to speak out .But it doesn't mean to give up,just make himself feel better.
这里学问可就大了,上面两位有点望文生义或者仅仅是成语解释,顶多也就解释为装糊涂,这多是后来人的理解. 这里的哲学既有消极的一面,也有积极的一面,只有理解郑板桥当时的时代环境,才能知道更多的含义... joking aside,The right way to translate is "Where ignorance is bliss,it's folly to be wise". 最后附上郑板桥的原文吧(original text): 上联: 聪明难,糊涂难,由聪明转入糊涂更难. 下联: 放一着,退一步,当下安心,非图后来副报也. 横批: 难得糊涂 Hope you would like it!
in china it means you should not take everything serioursely or you life must be too tired . you should pretend not to understand something and let you happy . for example: a: my friend tell other people i am poor .it makes me sad. b: just let it go .人生难得糊涂啊
example: 一贯精明的人犯了一些的小错误,可以自嘲说:“哎,难得糊涂呀”。 意思是,偶尔糊涂一次也无妨。
I can see your Chinese achieved a new level. Cheers! I have to say it is not easy to answer in a short words. Some Chinese words are vague. They have different meanings depend on different situations or people's undertanding or history. No wonder it makes you feel confused. Even I am Chinese, this phrase bothered me for a long time. I can't say now I really know its meaning. I can accept the answers above but not agree. That may be you can have your explanation. That may be the charming part of Chinese.