Sorry I can't write in Chinese, but I just understood what you are asking:)
Besically, 自動詞 don't and can't take an object marked by を。On the other hand, 他動詞 needs an object. (If a sentence with 他動詞 lacks object, we consider it's dropped.)
*Only one exception(as far as I know) is [place]を+movement verb, such as 歩く、飛ぶ、渡る。道を歩く、空を飛ぶ、横断歩道を渡る。These are 自動詞. The place is not object; it's just place where the movement takes place.
*Some verbs can work both as自動詞and他動詞。
「カラオケで 歌う(自動詞)」
「カラオケで ドラえもんの歌を 歌う(他動詞)」