⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐
16 回の イタリア語 レッスン
Today's lesson went very well as usual.
At the beginning of the lesson, Marina introduced the 2024 European Parliament election, and we talked about the current political tendency in Europe and East Asia. From there, our topic moved on to the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship (Il campionato europeo di calcio 2024), which I am very interested in.
As a grammar point, we continued to practice reflexive verbs (i verbi riflessivi). Marina also explained some idiomatic phrases such as 'iniziare a + infinitive verb', 'fare colazione', 'non avere senso', and 'non + verb + mai'.
As always, Marina was very attentive, encouraging, and patient! I really appreciate her time and attention. Grazie mille, Marina! Ci vediamo presto :)