Autumn Lidgett
63 回の 日本語 レッスン
Sensei Emi has helped me improve my Japanese reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills massively since she started being my teacher. She allows for many different types of conversations to take place within the class. For example, today we went over numbers, katakana, and did a conversational lesson on languages. I had many opportunities to ask questions in Japanese to Sensei Emi! Then, when she asked me questions in return, I was able to reply in Japanese answering questions such as "OOわかりますか? and OOできますか?". I even felt comfortable enough to make my first joke in Japanese! That is amazing considering I've only started learning Japanese 6 months ago. I can also read and understand a few short stories! Sensei Emi is truly the best and encourages you during every step of your Japanese learning journey.