My name is Renz Ver Alberca, I finished bachelor's degree in education. Since I was a child, teaching is my passion, I have been in many trainings in regard to expanding my teaching capacity, I understand how acquiring new language demands process, it takes time and effort. And based on my observation any difficulties in learning can be minimize by a proper guidance of the teacher, with the correct integration of knowledge it can be easier for the learners to absorb the ideas.
As I observed most of learners are afraid in public speaking, many of them are afraid of expressing themselves most especially those who are not native Filipino speakers and so I pursued education to provide assistance to them for I strongly believed that good communication skills are one of the most valuable skills that we need to unlock many opportunities in our way. Hence, by helping them to expand their limitations and reach the things that they think unreachable, and this is an opportunity for me to showcase on how beautiful our language, and how great teacher we are.
I firmly believed that an effective teaching and learning styles are promote flexibility and adaptability. My teaching and learning style depend on the ability of my students to learn the most. Moreover, it indulges the integration of technology for it gives accessibility and can expand the limitation both for the teacher and its students. In addition, the implementation of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner is observed, which focuses on the definition of intelligence and outlines several distinct types of intellectual competencies.