2011 - 現在
online language teacherself-employed - Bangkok, タイI have been a freelance online teacher with EF since 2011, working part-time doing both group lessons and private lessons.
2008 - 2011
InstructorInlingua International Language School - Bangkok, タイI taught in-house classes for industrial and service companies in groups of one to twenty, mostly English, but sometimes French. Each class followed a plan and generally included an assessment, which I was responsible for completing.
2004 - 2008
Instructor of languagesKing Mongkut's University of Technology - Bangkok, タイMost of the classes that I taught were for undergraduate engineering students, including general English, writing, and speaking courses. There were also some classes for graduate engineering students and a limited number of courses in an MA program on English for Industry. I created the syllabus, chose textbooks, and designed and carried out the assessments for all courses.
2001 - 2004
Information Systems DirectorAlstom - Paris, フランスManaged ERP and other management information systems worldwide, including North America, Western and Eastern Europe.
2000 - 2002
LecturerESCP Paris Business Administration University - Paris, フランスLectured on Management Information Systems and ran workshops on PC skills.
1995 - 2000
PartnerKPMG Management Consulting - Paris, フランスPartner in charge of Management Information Systems practice, mostly working with ERPs like SAP, Baan, and J.D. Edwards.