Truly, Larissa is the best tutor out here. She's extremely friendly, patient, and kind, always providing encouragement where needed. It was extremely difficult for me to piece a sentence together when we first started working together, and it took me a very long time to get a few words out. Larissa was the only tutor to let me try and work through sentences without cutting me off or seeming impatient and that means a lot to me and has really helped me improve my conversation skills.
She's very flexible and open to adjusting curriculum to best fit her students needs. Her lessons are always the high point of my day, and I feel like I'm talking to a friend when I'm practicing which helps put me at ease since language learning is hard! She understands the struggle because she also loves learning languages and I appreciate her so much. She's helping me accomplish what I previous thought was impossible. If iTalki would give me more room, I would write a whole essay on why Larissa is the best