italki で 日本語 の講師を探す
あなたにぴったりの 日本語 のオンライン講師を見つけましょう:italki でティーチング経験豊かな講師を選んで、最高の学習経験をご体験ください。
1,198 レッスン
In the Top 1% of Japanese Teachers on iTalki 2022~ /10+ years of experience 10年以上の講師経験があり、日本語講師資格を持っています。 持っている日本語講師資格:日本語教育能力検定試験合格(JEES)、日本語教師養成講座420時間コース修了 オンラインレッスンでのJLPT合格実績は以下の通りです。(2022年からオンラインレッスンスタート) 以下に書いてある合格者は全てオンラインレッスンの学生で、オフラインレッスンの学生は入っていません。 2024年7月JLPT N1合格者1名(中国) N3合格者1名(シンガポール) 2023年12月JLPT N1合格者1名(中国) N2合格者1名(スイス) N3合格者1名(ドイツ) 2023年7月JLPT N2合格者1名(中国) N3合格者1名(オーストリア) 2022年12月JLPT N3合格者5名(アメリカ2名、中国、イタリア、ニカラグア) N4合格者1名(ブラジル) 2022年7月JLPT N4合格者1名(中国)
3,917 レッスン
こんにちは!Easygoing Japanese instructor🌸 Certified language instructor with over 6 years of experiences In total, I have been in teaching industries for about 12 years, and I've been teaching Japanese for about 8 years. My former students often described my classes as "tea room", and I like the fact that my class has had a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. However, I am sometimes strict on my students because I believe that encouraging students is my way of expressing respectfulness.
1,185 レッスン
Chie Nowa
Become fluent in Japanese using Comprehensible Input/Output approach, Teacher lives in Canada 🥇 Certified with 420 hours of Advanced Japanese Teaching Course from Australia 🥇 Taught in an international language school in Canada (5+ years). 🥇 Teaching online since March 2020 and completed 1,300 lessons (as of 2023-05-08, and counting!) totaled in 4 language learning platforms and 1 physical language school. I am now focusing on italki and 1 language school.) 🥇 Working knowledge in language teaching methodologies - TPR (Total Physical Response), ETM (Education Through Music), Comprehensible Listening, TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading Stories, etc. 🥇 Worked for Japanese companies and can guide you on Japanese business culture.
5,797 レッスン
💖Over 13 years of teaching experience🇷🇺🇷🇸🇬🇧✨✨ Век живи - век учись ! Знание сила. Знающий не говорит, говорящий не знает. Путь в тысячу вёрст начинается с первого шага. 知識は力なり、知る者は言わず言う者は知らず、千里の道も一歩から 😺Здравствуйте, дорогие мои студенты ! Я здесь давно преподаю японский язык, точнее более 13 лет. У каждого разные цели. Кто-то стремится сдать экзамен, а кто-то хочет путешествовать в Японию. Расскажите, какие у вас есть цели. Я очень открытый и гибкий человек. Вы даже можете учиться с вашим другом ( или с подругой ). ✨Увидимся на занятиях.
625 レッスン
I was raised and educated in Japan but now live in Vietnam. I regularly use Vietnamese with my colleague, subordinates and counterparts and sometimes communicate with customers around the world in English. Each language is unique in its own way, but don't think too hard about it, just start a conversation by using the words you know and saying them out loud.
1,970 レッスン
Let's talk a lot of Japanese that you know in a relaxing class! I have been teaching Japanese language online for 3 years now. Before that, I also participated in a seminar for volunteer Japanese language teachers for a year. If you have started studying Japanese, I recommend a study method to memorize phrases that Japanese people often use. Simple and common phrases used in everyday situation would help in starting a conversation. Try to speak with a lot of simple phrases and you’ll be able to get used to Japanese language. I will suggest several ways to learn and adjust the lessons according to your purpose. Let's enjoy learning Japanese together!
4,670 レッスン
Certified language teacher with 7 years of teaching experience. Fluent in Japanese&English&Chinese! I like working one-on-one with students because each lesson is different and dynamic. My lessons are always adapted to the students’ needs, such as building up the foundation for a new language, practicing daily, business conversation, or preparing for job interviews or presentations. After teaching more than a thousand lessons, I feel comfortable and confident to teach all levels, different learning styles and purposes. I’m native in Chinese and Japanese. I also speak English fluently, so I can use each language to teach. 大家好!我叫史茜玉。我在中国出生、在日本长大。我的母语是中文和日语、我也会说英语。所以我可以用这三种语言来上课。我的课会特别轻松愉快(^^)很期待在网上和大家见面!
2,137 レッスン
Jin 진 ジン
Comfortable and relaxed 🌱 Welcome Beginner Students! 🌸上課風格輕鬆愉快,親切溫柔,不用有壓力地學習。 開心地學習會幫助你更有效率的快速吸收!我們會有很多的互動活動來學習。 🌸不知道自己說的對還是錯?說錯也沒關係,盡量嘗試多說! 🌸第一次學習?!從正確的發音到會話都可以一起練習。 🌸不想學死版的?電視劇、歌曲等想學什麼都滿足你! 🌸上課會不斷地複習,溫故而知新。 學什麼語言都一定要很開心!我的興趣就是學語言,除了日文和中文以外,正在也學泰文與廣東話,因此有很多自學語言的經驗,我想分享給大家學語言的有效方法,讓你可以更有效率地學韓文和日文。你想學習的內容都可以和我討論,請你告訴我目前的程度與要求,我會根據你的需求為你定制課程。 ー 🌸明るくて楽しい雰囲気で勉強できるので、緊張しなくても大丈夫です! 授業中に積極的にコミュニケーションを取ります。 🌸間違うことを恐れずに自信を持って積極的に話しましょう! 🌸初めての方も大歓迎です。初級から高級までゆっくりやっていきましょう。 🌸韓国人が実際によく使う韓国語が学べます。 🌸頻繁に復習を行うので、学んだ内容が自然に身に付きます。 語学の勉強は楽しくないと続きません。私自身も外国語を学んでいるので、楽しくて効率の良い勉強方法を常に研究しています。それを皆さんにも共有できればなと思っています。皆さんが自信を持って韓国語が話せるよう私がサポートします!たくさん間違えても大丈夫ですので、どんどん話してくださいね!
773 レッスン
I was born and raised in Tokyo, so I speak standard Japanese. I have a junior and senior high school teaching license in English. I worked for a major Japanese company for about 10 years, so I can also teach business conversation and manners. I am a certified Japanese language teacher. 私(わたし)は東京(とうきょう)で生(う)まれ育(そだ)ったので、標準語(ひょうじゅんご)を話(はな)します。英語(えいご)の中高教員免許(ちゅうこうきょういんめんきょ)を持(も)っています。 日本(にほん)の大手企業(おおてきぎょう)に約(やく)10年(ねん)勤(つと)めていたのでビジネス会話(かいわ)やマナーなども教(おし)えることができます。 420時間日本語教師養成講座(にほんごきょうしようせいこうざ)を修了(しゅうりょう)しています。
2,413 レッスン
Carlos Higa Sakuda
Tengo experiencia enseñando japonés y español; en el caso del idioma español lo enseñé en Japón, en una escuela secundaria; asimismo, enseñé japonés en Perú también en una escuela secundaria y a personas intereresadas en la cultura japonesa. Actualmente enseño ambos idiomas de manera virtual.
157 レッスン
✨Fluent in French and in English✨Specialised for beginners ✨Fun & interactive classes Registered Instructor at an Online Japanese Language School 🔷 Adapte les leçons aux besoins individuels: contenu adapté au style d'apprentissage et aux objectifs de l'élève. 🔷 Patiente et bienveillante: J’encourage les élèves et m'adapte à leur rythme. 🔷 Experte en grammaire et culture: Offre des connaissances approfondies sur la structure de la langue et la culture japonaise. 🔷Tailored lessons to individual needs: content customized to suit the student's learning style and goals. 🔷 Patient and supportive: I encourage students and adapt to their pace. 🔷 Knowledgeable in grammar and culture: deep insights into both language structure and Japanese culture
493 レッスン
Hiroko Ikeda
【Certificated Teacher】I will help and guide you to improve your communication skill of Japanese! I have a teaching experience at university in Mexico and in a puplic high school California, US for each 2 years as a Japanese language teacher. I'm a certificated Japanese language teacher, but I'm keeping to study the teaching strategies and how to apply it to my classroom through the profesional developments. - M.A. Student in Applied Linguistics in University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) - ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) member - AATJ (American Association of Teachers of Japanese) member - CAJLT (California Association of Japanese Language Teachers) member - 4to Seminario de líderes de la próxima generación México-Japón
901 レッスン
♪♪Japanese for Kids and Adults ♪♪ I am a qualified Japanese teacher for both kids and adults. I promise you'll have fun learning Japanese with me, not only having fun but also getting confidents . I’ve been working with kids from 2 years old to 18 years old for over 20 years! So, I’m really good at having fun with them♪♪ First of all please let me know what is your goal, then think together which way is the best for your goal. Communication is the most important, so feel free to tell me anything you would like to learn. I welcome kids and mom living in Japan! I'll make your days in Japan easier and happier for sure! 一人ひとりの個性やニーズにあった方法やトピックで、楽しく、そして確実に学びます。教科書にはない生きた日本語、学校や社会生活で必要な生活のための日本語など、皆さんの学びたい事は人それぞれ。初級からじっくりでも、趣味のおしゃべりでも、日本語のブラッシュアップでもお任せください。
1,929 レッスン
Mandakini Munasinghe
JLPT qualified teacher with over 4 years of teaching experience I think Japanese is a very easy language to learn.. Let's learn Japanese in a fun way.. I am a very friendly teacher and a friendly, easy going person. my students can ask any question from me and I am teaching my students as a friend. We can learn Japanese with conversations as well...
822 レッスン
5年以上オンラインで日本語教師をしています。 わたしは5年以上オンラインで日本語(にごんご)を教(おし)えています。全(まった)くの初心者(しょしんしゃ)の方(かた)から、中級以上(ちゅうきゅういじょう)の方(かた)まで、会話練習(かいわれんしゅう)や文法(ぶんぽう)の勉強(べんきょう)、JLPT対策(たいさく)などもおこなっています。生徒(せいと)さんたちが日本語(にほんご)を上手(じょうず)に話(はな)せるようになったり、JLPTに合格(ごうかく)できたりするのを見(み)れるのがとてもうれしいです。 I have been teaching Japanese online for over 5 years.I offer conversation practice,grammar study,and JLPT preparation for students from complete beginners to upper makes me happy to see my students become able to speak Japanese fluently and pass the JLPT.
2,142 レッスン
Zero Beginner to Advanced🌸10+ yrs experience at school🌸JLPT🌸Group🌸Travel🌸+Fun ! I'm very proud of my students for improving their Japanese so much. This makes it difficult for me to stop being a Japanese teacher. I'm a caring & supportive teacher. I’ve taught Japanese to hundreds of students in both group and private lessons at school & online, all ages, and high school students (The Victorian Certificate of Education in Australia). I also have a lot of experience in preparing students for JLPT exams. I always provide a comfortable and encouraging environment in my class. I adapt to the pace of progress of the students.
4,758 レッスン
カンボジアで2年、フィリピンで2年「みんなの日本語」を使って教えた経験があります。 After completing the 420-hour Japanese language teacher training course Domestic (1 year) private lessons (American/Australian) and class lessons (multinational) Cambodia (2 years) for technical internship candidates Philippines (2 years) for technical internship candidates and special skill candidates In both cases, I was in charge of N5 and N4 (using Minna no Nihongo).
402 レッスン
420時間の日本語講師養成講座を修了しました。 韓国に留学したときに日本語を教えたことをきっかけに、日本語の先生を目指しました。 今はオンラインで日本語を教えています。 I have completed the Japanese language teacher training course. After teaching Japanese when I studied in Korea, I aimed to become a Japanese teacher. I am currently teaching Japanese online.
70 レッスン
フレンドリーで、話しやすい日本語の先生♪ いま教えている生徒さんから、「話しやすい、楽しい!」「文法のレッスンがわかりやすい!」「声がきれい!」と言ってもらいました。私は明るい性格で、人と話すのが好きです。 レッスンは、日本のcultureやtopicを紹介して、楽しく勉強できるように工夫しています。 日本語をまちがえることを、こわがらないでください。たくさん日本語を話せるように、リラックスしたレッスン作りをします♪
1,024 レッスン
Perfect for those looking to improve their conversational skills as well as grammatical knowledge! I enjoy being a teacher because I like helping people. I think teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs a person could do, especially when I get to see all of the amazing progress my students make. Also, I believe that teachers should improve together with their students. I'll always make my lessons better so that my students can reach their goals with the quickest way . I think that having fun is also important element while learning a language! I always try my best to make sure that my students are enjoying themselves during the lesson. I aim to make my classes fun and relaxing as possible:)