"Schadenfreude" in Korean? OOOO!
"Schadenfreude" in Korean? OOOO!
24 tháng 4 năm 2023
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✔If you want to watch this video, go to YOUTUBE link or INSTAGRAM here! 💻https://youtube.com/shorts/ylFmw0fy-MA 📱https://www.instagram.com/gunny_learnkorean/ 쌤통이다 쌤통이다 뭐예요? What is 쌤통? The word "쌤통" means the feeling of delight in someone's misfortune or failure. In fact, there is a technical term for this in psychology. Schadenfreude. "Schadenfreude" is a German word that refers to the experience of pleasure or joy that comes from witnessing or learning about others’ misfortune. "Especially, when someone I am jealous of makes a mistake and stumbles in front of others, I find myself secretly happy." When you feel this, you can say 쌤통이다. But be careful! it is generally considered a negative emotion so you should not express that emotion inside out. Don’t forget this! 쌤통이다. ✔K-Universe 1on1 Class: https://www.italki.com/teacher/9928310
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