前两天,和学生上课时,讨论起来如果城市是一个人,那么你对这个人的印象是什么样的。聊得非常开心,希望大家和我们一起讨论。 The other day, when I had class with my student, we talked about if we consider a city as a person, what would be the image of your city? We had a very interesting conversation. And I sincerely invite you to join our discussion. 她说广州像一个小商贩,每天起早贪黑忙忙碌碌。但是他的生意总是做不了很大,一直是马马虎虎的样子。 She said Guangzhou is like a small trader. Working from dawn to dusk, hustling and bustling. But his business is always a small business, hard to expand. 而一海之隔的香港却是个非常成功的生意人,西装革履,派头十足。值得广州好好学习。 Otherwise, Hong Kong which is in the Ocean apart is a very successful businessman. Wear fancy suits, and be very flamboyant. It’s a very good example for Guangzhou.
6. 我在广州生活了5年了/I ‘ve lived in Guangzhou for 5 years.
2024年1月26日 03:24
3 Tips For To Secure a Job In A Job Interview. Does the thought of appearing for an interview scare you? Whether it is your first job interview or the last interview, you are constantly gripped with the fear of rejection or not performing well which has become a natural tendency for many interviewees. It might be scary at first if you don't know how to frame your mind, how to have it think the way you want. And that's called 'tuning up your thinking' so that you'll come out a winner! it's not an easy task but it surely a differentiator among 'competitors' Listen to the podcast and 'pick my brain'. If you want my personal attention so we can develop your game plan for your success in a job interview - book my private classes now.
3 Tips For To Secure a Job In A Job Interview.
2024年1月25日 14:04