Advanced Listening—Understanding Native Speakers: North American Pronunciation: What happened to the T’s? part 3
Advanced Listening—Understanding Native Speakers: North American Pronunciation: What happened to the T’s? part 3
At last we have arrived at our final episode about native English speakers' pronunciation of T. What I am talking about today is again particularly about North American speakers. For you, this is primarily for listening, and not for speaking. Here are the words I use as examples: ant want rent went accent won’t plant percent and some phrases: I can’t hear you, can you check your microphone? Can you hear me now? No, I still can’t hear you. What about now? I think I fixed it. Yeah, I can hear you now, it’s clear. I’m stuck in traffic. I can’t get to work on time today. She can write fantastic essays. He can’t run as fast at the other guy can. and the second list: winter interesting international intersection rental enter I hope this was helpful! Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to speak to me directly about this in a session. You can also subscribe to this podcast via the iTalki app. See you again soon! Bye for now.
Informal English with Eric