Abdullah B
9/60 Yes, I have travelled alone twice, both of them wasn't a really good experience, and I don't know, if it's fair to consider them as trips, I would rather call them travels not trips, because, I spent all of my time in a mean of transportation in both of these experiences. The first one was in my 17s I needed to travel from Malaysia to my home country, to attend the final exams of high school, it was illegal for a teenager under 21 to travel on an aeroplane alone unless his parents approve some papers and go through some legal processes, anyway my father got to deal with that and booked a flight to Saudi Arabia in the early morning, I wasn't afraid of something like that because it was only a flight, my father will take me to the airport and my uncle will take me from the airport there, I got on the aeroplane and slept all through the journey it was more than 9hrs 😂. The second one was more adventurous and exciting, somehow in my 19s I convinced my parents that I'll travel alone to Almdinah Almonwarh in Ramdan and stay there for the whole month, my parents grudgingly agreed, after eating lunch with my family, I turned on my car at 5 pm and started a long journey 950km by my car alone, arrived at Almadinah at 3 am, at that night the government announced people aren't allowed to pray in the mosque because of the pandemic and I didn't receive the news until I arrived there, there was no point to stay there anymore if all the mosques are closed, so I just returned back to home with no sleep and 24h of driving I was really sleepy on the way back almost slept while driving and was in spare of accident two times but by the providence of Allah I arrived home safely on lunchtime, then I ate lunch with my family as nothing happened 🙆‍♀️
2021年6月17日 18:28
修改 · 3
9/60 Yes, I have travelled alone twice. However, they weren´t really good experiences, and I don't know, if it's fair to consider them as trips, I would rather call them travels not trips, because I spent all of my time in a means of transportation during both of these experiences. My first travelling experience was in my 17s. I needed to travel from Malaysia to my home country in order to take my final exams in high school. However, it was illegal for a teenager under 21 to travel on an aeroplane alone unless his parents sign some papers and go through some legal processes. Anyway, my father got to deal with that and booked a flight to Saudi Arabia in the early morning. I wasn't afraid of anything because it was only a flight, my father would take me to the airport and my uncle would pick me up from the airport there. I got on the aeroplane and slept all through the journey, which lasted more than 9hrs 😂. My second experience travelling was more adventurous and exciting. Somehow in my 19s I managed to convince my parents to allow me to travel alone to Almdinah Almonwarh in Ramdan and stay there for the whole month. My parents grudgingly agreed. After eating lunch with my family, I turned on my car at 5 pm and started a long journey 950km by car alone. I arrived at Almadinah at 3 am, and that night the government announced people weren´t allowed to pray in the mosque because of the pandemic, and I didn't receive the news until I arrived there. Unfortunately, there was no point in staying there anymore if all the mosques were closed, so I just returned back home with no sleep and 24 hours of driving. I was so sleepy on the way back that I almost slept while driving and was in spare of an accident two times, but by the providence of Allah, I arrived home safely by lunch time, then I ate lunch with my family as if nothing had happened 🙆‍♀️.
Great Job writing about your travelling experiences! :D
9/60 Yes, I have travelled alone twice, both of them wasn't a really good experience, and I don't know, if it's fair to consider them as trips, I would rather call them travels not trips, because, I spent all of my time in a mean of transportation in both of these experiences. The first one was in my 17s I needed to travel from Malaysia to my home country, to attend the final exams of high school, it was illegal for a teenager under 21 to travel on an aeroplane alone unless his parents approve some papers and go through some legal processes, anyway my father got to deal with that and booked a flight to Saudi Arabia in the early morning, I wasn't afraid of something like that because it was only a flight, my father will take me to the airport and my uncle will take me from the airport there, I got on the aeroplane and slept all through the journey it was more than 9hrs 😂. The second one was more adventurous and exciting, somehow in my 19s I convinced my parents that I'll travel alone to Almdinah Almonwarh in Ramdan and stay there for the whole month, my parents grudgingly agreed, after eating lunch with my family, I turned on my car at 5 pm and started a long journey 950km by my car alone, arrived at Almadinah at 3 am, at that night the government announced people aren't allowed to pray in the mosque because of the pandemic and I didn't receive the news until I arrived there, there was no point to stay there anymore if all the mosques are closed, so I just returned back to home with no sleep and 24h of driving I was really sleepy on the way back almost slept while driving and was in spare of accident two times but by the providence of Allah I arrived home safely on lunchtime, then I ate lunch with my family as nothing happened 🙆‍♀️
Hi, It's lovely to read your narration regarding your trips.please check out the correction in CAPITALS . ------ #Yes, I have travelled alone twice, both of them WERE NOT a really good -------+--- I wasn't afraid of something like that because it was only a flight, my father WOULD take me to the airport and my uncle w WOULD take me from the airport there, I got on the aeroplane and slept all through the journey it was more than 9hrs 😂. The second one was more adventurous and exciting, somehow in my 19s I convinced my parents that I WOULD travel alone to Almdinah ------- I hope you like it 👍 Regards Deepika Mantra