👋 Hello French learners !
C'est Victoria, your teacher of the conversational French.
Let's practice your French today ! Looking forward to your answer in the comments.
❓ Et toi, c’est quoi la plus belle vue de ta ville ❓
*entendu à Paris - heard in Paris // услышано в Париже
*pour moi - for me // для меня
*la plus belle vue de Paris - the most beautiful view of Paris //самый красивый вид на Париж
*c’est celle - is the one // это тот, который
*de la tour Montparnasse - from the Montparnasse Tower // с башни Монпарнас
*pourquoi - why // почему?
*parce que tu vois pas - because you can’t see // потому что ты не видишь
*la tour Montparnasse - the Montparnasse Tower // башню Монпарнас
📍 grammaire:
**la plus belle vue - to say “the most” just add the article: le, la, les to the comparative degree: plus belle - more beautiful / la plus belle - the most beautiful
**celle - demonstrative pronoun you use not to repeat smth you’ve said before. Here “celle” replaces “la vue”
**tu vois pas - “ne” is often omitted in conversational French (tu ne vois pas is the correct negation)