When we Chinese describe someone who considered talented and sharp in creative, some people tend to use the Chinese idiom “七步之才”. It comes from a gripping story about a royal family in ancient history. Let me tell it briefly. Once there were two brothers contending for the position of king, and the elder one won through a rough time finally. But the new king hated and took jealousy from his brother, who was more talented on literature than himself. Holding certain attempts, the king wanted to kill his brother by some tricks. So the king gave an order to his brother, composing a poem within the time during taking seven regular paces, as well as his brother was being put to death in case without a good effect. Although it was extremely challenging, the king’s brother made it incredibly. In the poem, the two brothers figuratively were seen as green beans and the branches of beans separately, why green beans would get boiled via burning the branches that come from the same one seed(parents). In the end, the king realized the poem and let his brother run away.
2024年10月23日 15:08