What do "do a course and take a course " mean ?

Is there any difference in meaning between "do a course  " and "take a course "? 

Thanks for helping :) 

2019年8月18日 11:26
评论 · 13
Hey Ebru,

the two expressions fundamentally mean the same thing. If you are taking a course in Biology you are doing that course as well. In England, I can say I hear "take a course" more often; on the other hand, if someone is telling you they want to begin a Biology course, they might often tell you that they want to "take up" a Biology course.

Hope it helped :)

There is no specific meaning of "do a course".
The verb "do" most likely means "to do the work required to study and complete a course".
For example:  I did (completed) a math course last year.

"take a course" means the same thing as do a course.
For example:  I took (completed) a math course last year.

The student does not have to complete the course.
Someone who did/took 75% of a course could still say that they did/took a course but then they should also mention that they did not complete the course.

No, there is no difference.

I did a first aid course.
I took a first aid course.

These two statements mean exactly the same thing.
Do a course means you are teaching someone, and take a lesson means you are a student or a person who needs to study a language.
Due to different logic in both languages between Turkish and English. They are widely used ,combined with other words to mean something entirely different in Turkish and naturally it isn't feasible to keep them in mind most of the time. Yes I know and understand this problem.