What does 'to spoil someone somewhere' mean? Hello! What does 'to spoil someone somewhere' mean? :)When 'to spoil' is used in a negative way.
2016年8月22日 10:34
回答 · 6
The usual meaning of "to spoil someone" is to treat them really well, giving them what you know they love. e.g. I like to spoil my wife on her birthday, giving her flowers, chocolates and taking her to a fancy restaurant. The expression doesn't have to come with a place but of course, you can spoil someone in a specific place.
to spoil someone = to be kinder or more generous to someone than you should; to be overly kind to someone No location is used with this expression. "to spoil" has a bad connotation because it implies you are treating someone TOO kindly or EXCESSIVELY kindly, which may please someone (such as a small kid) but it will NOT be good for them in the long run, as they will grow to expect TOO MUCH from people (i.e. more than they deserve). He brings candy to his grandkids every time he sees them. He spoils them so. Now they expect all their relatives to bring them candy; otherwise, they get angry. He spoils his wife by letting her spend all his money freely. That's why he's deep in debt. He needs to teach her fiscal responsibility instead.