Would you tell me a mean of ' circle back with you'? One of my friends emailed me, but I'm not sure this expression. 'I wanted to circle back with you to give you much advices.'
2019年1月27日 14:08
回答 · 4
"to circle back with you" means to "follow-up with" or come back to something that was previously discussed. An example would be if you and I had talked about having lunch in the future but haven't made definite plans, I could say in a couple days: "hi kotokoto, I wanted to circle back with you to see if you still wanted to have lunch tomorrow". I use this phrase more in business or professional situations when setting up meetings rather then with friends. Hope that helps!
Hello :) "circle back"- it is used to mean " I will contact you later, after some time has passed so that we can continue talking about this point" so: "I will circle back with you in a few days " = "I will contact you again in a few days" I suppose this friend is also not a native speaker since they made a mistake and used 'advice' incorrectly'. Advice does not have a plural form so we would say "to give you some ( or a lot of) advice." (no:t some adviceS)