"twice as much as" VS "as twice much as" I thought the correct grammar for "as as" is that you have to put something compared to between two 'as', such as the below. 1. I have as much time as you have tonight (good) 2. I have time as much as you have tonight (bad) But, why do people use "twice as much as" freely? It's more like "twice as much as" is much more frequently used rather than "as twice much as". And what is the different between them?
2019年6月6日 19:39
回答 · 3
"as twice much as" is incorrect. "As much" means "the same in quantity". "As much as" is used to say that two things are equal in amount or degree. "Twice as much as" is used to say that one thing is twice the amount equal to the other thing.
Hi guys, I'm desperate for help! "Over the following 5 years, the number of male members, at nearly 3800, was twice as much as that of female ones." In this sentence, is it true to use "twice as much as"? I think it's wrong because there is no uncountable noun here. But this sentence is from a sample essay, and it's supposed to be true. I don't know, please help me. Thanks a lot.
Consider your own example, "I have as much time as you have tonight" - OK And include the segment you're having trouble with: "I have had twice as much as you have had tonight" - OK It's the same sentence structure of 'as as' but is just multiplying the subject in-between them by 2. Consider an altered version of this sentence: "I have had as much as twice as you have had tonight" - still grammatically OK