All information is/are ok? Is this sentence correct? What to use: "is" or "are"?Does exist the sentence "all informations are ok"?
2010年8月11日 12:18
回答 · 3
Hi. In Britain we would say: 'All of the information is correct' or 'The information is correct.' (The information that we are talking about) 'All information' does not specify which information you are referring to. Please note: Information is 'uncountable'. In english uncountable things do not have a plural. They are always singular. So. With uncountable nouns we can use the following: The.... uncountable noun is..... This... That.... But not: A ..... uncountable noun is..... These.... uncountable noun are..... Here are some other uncountable nouns - nouns without a plural form. music, art, love, happiness, advice, news, furniture, luggage, rice, sugar, butter, water, electricity. Examples. I like many different types of music. - not musics Many people gave me advice about this subject. - not advices I lost all of my luggage at the airport. - not luggages
"Information" is uncountable, so you cannot use it in the plural.
All information is correct. is = singular are = plural It's that easy!