Differences between Chinese and English when we answer Yes/No questions? I found that there is a difference between Chinese and English when we answer negative questions. For example, let's say someone asks "Isn't he married?", if I'm not married, I'll answer "對!我還沒有結婚" in Chinese. But in English we'll answer "No, I'm not married". I'm not sure I'm correct or not because this kind of binary logical questions making me confused.
2011年3月30日 08:54
回答 · 5
i don't know the difference between yes and no, but i know the difference when thanking someone: english: thank you chinese: sank you :D
Let's get this quite straight: REGARDLESS OF WHAT EVER THE OTHER SAYS, just to follow: If the fact the statement refers to (well guess you couldn't really totally ignore) is true, you say yes. If it is not true, you say no. Simple? If it is true, assuming that I'm stupid: You are stupid, aren't you? Yes I am. (Because I am) You are not stupid, are you? Yes I am. (Because I am) Assuming that I am not stupid: You are stupid, aren't you? No I am not. (Because I am not) You are not stupid, are you? No I am not. (Because I am not) You should pay attention, though: As for "plain" statements, Chinese students always get confused: I'm sure you are not stupid. No. (Meaning I am not stupid, which in Chinese, would mean I am. ) I hope you sir can finally realize the situation is much more straight and simple in English than Chinese.
"Isn't he married?", if you are not married,your answer in chinese should be :"(不),我没结婚" usually we don`t say ”不"。 here you can see the answer what we point is the hole question,not a single sentence.
汉语中的是与否更针对你所问的问题,而英语中的yes 和no则是说是具体的情况。 例如: 问题:你还没有吃饭吧? (如果你没有吃)用汉语回答:是的。         In english:no 因为所指的东西是不一样的,一个针对问题,一个针对所问的情况。