👋 Hello French learners ! C'est Victoria, your teacher of conversational French. Let's learn a new useful expression today ! 📌 à la base - originally, at first // изначально 🔥 À la base, je voulais aller au cinéma, mais j’ai finalement changé d’avis.- At first, I wanted to go to the movies, but I eventually changed my mind. 🔥 À la base, il était censé venir avec nous, mais il a eu un imprévu. - Originally, he was supposed to come with us, but something unexpected came up. 🔥 À la base, je pensais que ce serait facile, mais c’est beaucoup plus compliqué que je ne le croyais. - At first, I thought it would be easy, but it's much more complicated than I thought. ✅ Follow me to immerse yourself in French and speak French naturally without stress. ✅ Think about taking a class with me to practice actively and to improve your French. 👍 If you find the post usueful and want to have more.
2025年1月9日 11:05