Tip 1 - Learn in a way which is most comfortable to you.
Tip 1 - Learn in a way which is most comfortable to you.
Welcome! I’m delighted to present to you 111 Tips for Learning a Language. Here is our tip for today. The first tip is to learn in a way which is most comfortable to you. You yourself decide how and what you want to learn. Well, be creative! There is no one right way to learn a language. Everyone is a unique individual and thus they have different interests when it comes to learning. Some students like to dive straight into informal conversation while others prefer to learn in a more systematic way using a textbook. Some students, like myself included, start by learning vocabulary. I take great pleasure in making flash cards for myself when I’m learning a language. When we learn in a manner which we enjoy we would definitely be more disciplined to keep it up. Ideally learning for ourselves should be fun and relaxing while stimulating at the same time with just the right oomph factor to keep us wanting to know more. Therefore, I urge you to learn in a way which makes you feel most at ease. Till our next tip and I wish you Inspired Learning with 111 Tips for Learning a Language.
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111 Tips for Learning a Language