在 italki 上尋找 日語 教師
尋找最適合您的線上 日語 輔導老師:從我們經驗豐富的線上 日語 教師中進行選擇,獲得最佳學習體驗。
2,377 堂課
Let's have fun talking together. I will type correct phrases while talking. I like to talk with new people. I'd like to assist your learning Japanese. I also learn French. I know learning language needs to speak with someone. I think your friends don't always correct your Japanese because for your friends, your level Japanese doesn't matter. They understand what you say. In my lesson, I will teach you how to say what you want to say. My Japanese is from Tokyo accent. J'adore parler avec de nouvelles personnes. J'aimerai aider votre Japonais.
440 堂課
Teacher Chieko
I had been working in Tokyo, Japan. I'm professional Business Japanese and interviewer! I have studied counseling and coaching because I have studied psychology. I respect the students studying Japanese. Studying a foreign language is very difficult. Since I am studying English, I really understand the feelings of people studying foreign languages. It's easy to forget the language when you stop studying it, but don't give up and continue. I support you! 私は日本語を勉強する生徒さんを尊敬しています。外国語を勉強するのはとても大変です。 私は英語を勉強しているので外国語を勉強する人の気持ちが良くわかります。 言葉は勉強しなくなると忘れがちになりますが、諦めずに続けていきましょう。応援しています。
244 堂課
僕は他のアプリでいろんな人に日本語を趣味として教えることがあったので それを活かしてitalkiでもうまく教えていければいいなーと思っています!
506 堂課
I have the certification of teaching Japanese. Totally 800+ students online and offline ☺️ • Passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test • Have experience to teach Japanese at the language school in Thailand and Tonga • Can teach students of adults, not children
104 堂課
大学で日本語教育を学びました。今は大学院で日本語教育について学んでいます。 私は日本語教師です。会話、ビジネス、アカデミック日本語を教えられます。仕事は厚生省で求職者に仕事を紹介したり、職務経歴書の書き方のアドバイスをしていたことがあります。文法や、リーディング、会話、日本企業への就職用インタビューのアドバイスもできます。フリートークも大歓迎です。 *現在、日本語中級者以上を対象としたレッスンを行っています。初級の方用には行っていません。 [About me] Nice to meet you! I'm Tae, a Japanese language teacher. I majored in Japanese education. I ‘m working as an Japanese teacher at a private school . I currently live in Tokyo. My hobbies are Flower arrangement, watching movies, and cooking.
6,648 堂課
“A man who knows two languages is worth two men.” ― French Proverb I was a school teacher for several years so I've learned to teach live people and not just through the computer. I teach not only adults but children too! I have taught 7 year old kids who did not speak Japanese at all when we began. We started from Hiragana and worked up to words and sentences. I love teaching all levels, so of course beginners are welcome! I have textbooks allowing us to crossed between book based lessons and speaking lessons. But if you want to be fluent in Japanese, you should learn with textbook, and learn Japanese language! I'll teach you how to speak in a real conversational manner and not the formal helpful but not natural conversation method used by textbooks.
931 堂課
8 years experienced teacher✨ Let's improve your speaking skill💪💪 🌸I've taught Japanese 3 years in Moscow and 5 years in Japan. 🌸My students are Vietnamese, Chinese, Nepalese, Mongolians, Americans, Russians, Kazakhs, Australians.Amount of students is over 250. 🌸I have comleted all the requirements of Japanses Language Teaching Course I am a certified teacher and have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competensy TestTeaching) 🌸I have 3 years experience of teachining online. 🌸I have experience of teaching from N5 to N2. 🌸I always prepare fun speaking activities for you 🌸I'm always focus on making students smile
3,261 堂課
やっほ~🤗Friendly & Certified teacher with over 8 years experience. Let’s have fun practicing Japanese! During my fourth year of college I obtained a certification to teach Japanese professionally and after graduating, I started working in a Japanese language school in Tokyo, where I taught classes of foreign students and did private lessons for about five years. One of the reasons why I love teaching Japanese is that I can discover the intriguing and fascinating particularities of Japanese words and expressions together with interesting people from all over the world, while learning about their cultures and ways of thinking. I want to continue teaching in the future because I love how I and my students can motivate and encourage each other to keep learning and be curious while having fun.
581 堂課
メキシコ在住現役日本語講師。 日本語教師養成講座を終了し、 現在は、メキシコとコロンビアを中心に中南米で日本語を教えています。 パンデミックにより、各学校が閉鎖された為、オンラインでのクラスを始めました。オンラインでの授業経験は2020年からになります。ITALKI は2021年からになります。
Junko Nakajima
Interesting and cheerful Japanese tutor with 17 years teaching experience in Hong Kong I started working as a Japanese tutor in one of famous language institutes in Hong Kong. And I found that it's what I wanted to do quickly. I really love to meet people and talk with them. HK is a big international city and finance hub so that I have loads of experience to teach business people. Some classes were corporated classes in the headge funds. On top of that I taught Japanese in the secondary schools. So I am very confident to teach from kids to adults, HK people, Chinese people and people from overseas.
18 堂課
I completed the Japanese teacher training course in April 2023. I am inexperienced, but I would like to do my best so that I can enjoy lessons with everyone. 2023年4月に日本語教師養成講座を修了しました。 皆さんと楽しくレッスンできるように頑張りたいと思います。
6,062 堂課
Tomo I.
I use google document for each student, so my students could easily review what you learned later 長い間、日本でボランティアとして日本語をおしえてきました。日本語の先生のテストに合格したあと、タイの高校で日本語をおしえました。 I was teaching Japanese language as volunteer for many years in Japan for foreigners. After that I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, and I worked at a high school in Thailand as a Japanese language teacher for 3 years and a hafl.
海外の子どもたちに書道の楽しさを伝えてきました! When I was a high school student, I went on a short-term study abroad trip and met a host family in San Francisco, USA, which sparked my interest in English and different cultures. Then, I studied English and different cultures studies at university. Through studying in the United States and traveling abroad, I realized that I love interacting with people from other countries. At the same time, I was able to realize how wonderful Japan is, so I would like to share it with you and make you fall in love with Japan.
2 堂課
Tomo H
Con ottima esperienza nell'insegnamento di conversazione di viaggio a principianti nell'apprendimento della lingua giapponese, ho insegnato conversazione in lingua giapponese per circa 3 anni in Italia. Ho anche esperienza nella preparazione per l'esame JLPT N-5. La mia lezione della lingua giapponese viene svolta in lingua italiana o in spagnolo.
3,644 堂課
Ayu あゆ
Learn NIHONGO with AYU ! - Certified Japanese Teacher( Professeur certifié de japonais ) - 語学(ごがく)は道具(どうぐ)です。 語学(ごがく)を学(まな)ぶとその国(くに)の文化(ぶんか)や歴史(れきし)を深(ふか)く知(し)ることができます。 皆(みな)さんが知(し)っている「日本(にほん)」。 漫画(まんが)、お茶(ちゃ)、お寿司(すし)、着物(きもの)… 数(かぞ)えると沢山(たくさん)ありますね。 日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)すると、どんどん新(あたら)しい発見(はっけん)があります。 私(わたし)は小学校(しょうがっこう)から高校(こうこう)までの授業(じゅぎょう)で英語(えいご)を勉強(べんきょう)し、大学(だいがく)からはフランス語(ご)を勉強(べんきょう)しています。 母国語(ぼこくご)以外(いがい)の言語(げんご)を学(まな)ぶことはもちろん難(むずか)しいですが、学(まな)べば学(まな)ぶほど新(あたら)しい発見(はっけん)があって楽(たの)しいです。 どんなことでも、わからないことがあれば気軽(きがる)に質問(しつもん)してください。
1,474 堂課
Certified Japanese teacher and 10 years experience When I was teaching at a university, I was stuck in the university syllabus and produced "students who understood grammar well but could not speak." Based on that experience, I have crieated classes that are "efficient and really help students learn to speak". Specifically -Original PowerPoint with many illustrations -Projects that focus on summarizing and speaking. -Efficient vocabulary study with Quizlet(a vocabulary study app) -Googleclassroom for managing homework and teaching materials
3,213 堂課
Eriko Kasai
Certified native Japanese teacher with over 15 years teaching experience (Conversation & JLPT Prep). I majored "Japanese language as foreign language" in my University. The course was designed for people who would like to teach Japanese to foreigners. It was great opportunity to meet foreign students who plan to be Japanese teachers in their countries. I could learn that commonsense makes sense only in where I grew up. Sharing ideas and knowledge for developing and enjoying our lives is the most wonderful thing. Of course "learning language" is a gate to know about other people who have different backgrounds. Would you like to share your ideas with me?
1,409 堂課
Start Your Japanese Journey Today! 🌈⭐️Over three years and over 3500 hours of experience I can help you focus on communication and I can correct your mistakes in an encouragingly:) I have taught various levels of students. I like to develop trust and friendships with my students because It makes learning more enjoyable. Let's talk about anything together! I’m sure you can do it! Let’s do our best and enjoy the learning process together!! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you and being your friend:) 〜My Methods〜 My Original PDF My Original pictures and videos TV Drama, Movies, Anime みんなの日本語 Easy Japanese MARUGOTO Japanese interesting articles JLPT (words, kanji, grammar)
4,715 堂課
Higashikawa Коhei
Unlock Japanese with Ko Narita: Fun, Adaptive Lessons & Cultural Immersion! As a teacher, my mission is to make learning Japanese an enriching and enjoyable experience. I specialize in guiding beginners with a structured yet flexible approach that adapts to each learner's needs. By focusing on conversational excellence, I ensure students quickly gain practical language skills. My background in stand-up comedy allows me to infuse humor into lessons, making even complex topics engaging. I support self-learners by clarifying difficult concepts and offering personalized guidance. My students achieve tangible results, whether it's reaching the N3 level or regaining confidence in their skills, all while enjoying the journey of language learning.
753 堂課
AQualified teacher with a lot of teaching experiences. ★I love to learn language, so I want to support people who want to master a language.我喜歡學習語言,所以我想給所有學習日語的人最好的支持。 ★I like to think about giving the best explanation about grammar or give the best advice to improve conversation. 可以想出語法解釋讓學生更容易理解,並提出改善發音的方法 ★I got a master's degree at a university in the U.K., so I can make use of my professional skill to plan Japanese lesson for you.我擁有英國一所研究生院的應用語言學碩士學位。您可以根據自己的目標運用專業知識來組織課程 ★I worked as a high school English teacher for 6 years and after that I worked at a publishing company for about 15 years. So I can teach you business Japanese.大學畢業後,我擔任日本的私立高中英語老師6年,然後在一家教育出版公司工作15年。因此,您也可以教商務中使用的日語。