The infinitive is one of the most basic verb forms in French. It is the form of the verb that you find in dictionaries and is used in various ways in both spoken and written French. In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of the French infinitive, discovering its forms, uses, and providing examples to help you grasp this essential part of French grammar.

Master the rules for French infinitive

French Infinitive: Definition, forms, uses and examples

The infinitive in French, much like in English, is the base form of the verb. In English, infinitives are preceded by the word “to,” as in “to eat” or “to sleep.” In French, the infinitive is a single word and typically ends in -er, -ir, or -re.

Examples of French infinitives

to eatmanger
to finishfinir
to sellvendre
to goaller
to haveavoir

Forms of the French infinitive

French infinitives fall into three main groups based on their endings:

  • -ER Verbs
  • -IR Verbs
  • -RE Verbs

-ER Verbs

-ER verbs are the most common in French. They follow a regular conjugation pattern.

parlerto speak
aimerto love
chanterto sing

-IR Verbs

-IR verbs are the second most common type of verbs. Some are regular, while others are irregular.

finirto finish
choisirto choose
dormirto sleep

-RE Verbs

-RE verbs are less common and have their own set of conjugation rules.

vendreto sell
attendreto wait
perdreto lose
Read books to understand forms of verb

Uses of the French infinitive

The French infinitive can be used in various contexts:

  1. As a noun
  2. After certain verbs
  3. After prepositions
  4. In commands or instructions
  5. With modal verbs

As a noun

The infinitive can act as a noun in French, often translated to the -ing form in English. Fpr example: Lire est amusant. (Reading is fun.)

After certain verbs

Some verbs are followed directly by an infinitive. For example: Je veux manger. (I want to eat.)

After prepositions

Infinitives are often used after prepositions such as “à,” “de,” and “pour.” For example: Il est prêt à partir. (He is ready to leave.)

In commands or instructions

Infinitives can be used to give commands or instructions, particularly in written instructions or recipes. For example: Ajouter le sucre. (Add the sugar.)

With modal verbs

Modal verbs like “pouvoir” (can) and “devoir” (must) are followed by the infinitive. Fpr example: Je peux parler. (I can speak.)

Infinitive constructions with examples

Let’s look at some common infinitive constructions in French.

Infinitive after modal verbs

Je peux nager.I can swim.
Il doit étudier.He must study.
Nous voulons aller.We want to go.

Infinitive after prepositions

Elle a peur de tomber.She is afraid of falling.
Il est fatigué de courir.He is tired of running.
J’ai décidé de rester.I decided to stay.

Infinitive as a noun

Manger est essentiel.Eating is essential.
Voyager est enrichissant.Traveling is enriching.

Infinitive in commands

Fermer la porte.Close the door.
Mélanger les ingrédients.Mix the ingredients.

Infinitive phrases

Certain phrases in French require the infinitive. Here are a few examples:

Il est important de…It is important to…
Il faut…It is necessary to…
Avoir besoin de…To need to…
Être en train de…To be in the process of…
Write examples of French infinitives

You must also learn French proverbs to gain command over the French grammar and its rules. Hard work and consistency is the key to become good at French. You must master the grammar rules to gain fluency.

Special cases and irregular infinitives

Some verbs have irregular infinitive forms or do not follow the regular patterns.

Common irregular infinitives

êtreto be
avoirto have
allerto go
faireto do/make

These verbs often have unique conjugation patterns that need to be memorized. Learning French grammar can be challenging yet rewarding, especially with the right resources and tools. italki is a popular online language learning platform that offers various features that can significantly enhance your French learning in an organized manner.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the infinitive in French?

The infinitive in French is the base form of a verb, not conjugated for tense, mood, or subject. It is equivalent to the “to” form of verbs in English, such as “to eat,” “to go,” or “to be.” French infinitives typically end in -er, -ir, or -re.

What are the three types of French infinitives?

The three types of French infinitives are categorized based on their endings:

  • -ER verbs: e.g., parler (to speak), aimer (to love)
  • -IR verbs: e.g., finir (to finish), choisir (to choose)
  • -RE verbs: e.g., vendre (to sell), attendre (to wait)

Are there any irregular infinitives in French?

Some French verbs have irregular infinitives and do not follow the regular -er, -ir, or -re patterns. Common irregular infinitives include:

  • Être (to be)
  • Avoir (to have)
  • Aller (to go)
  • Faire (to do/make)


The French infinitive is a fundamental aspect of French grammar, serving as the base form of verbs and being used in a variety of contexts. By understanding the forms, uses, and common constructions involving the infinitive, you can greatly improve your proficiency in French.

Remember to practice regularly and take online French lessons at italki to better grasp these concepts. Happy learning!

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