Learning French can be an exciting journey, and mastering its tenses is crucial to becoming fluent. The future tense in French, known as “le futur simple,” is essential for expressing actions that will happen.

Master future tense in French

This guide will look into the rules, conjugation patterns, usage, and nuances of the French future tense, ensuring you feel confident using it in your conversations and writing.

Future tense in French and their conjugations

The future tense in French is used to describe actions that will take place at a later time. Like the English future tense, which uses “will” or “shall,” the French future tense conveys certainty about future events. For example:

English: I will eat.

French: Je mangerai.

In French, the future tense is formed by adding specific endings to the verb’s infinitive form.

Regular verb conjugations

Regular verbs in French are categorized into three groups based on their infinitive endings: -er, -ir, and -re. Each group follows a predictable pattern for conjugation in the future tense.

 -ER Verbs

For regular -er verbs, the future tense endings are added directly to the verb’s infinitive form. Here is a table for the conjugation of “parler” (to speak):

JeparleraiI will speak
TuparlerasYou will speak
Il/Elle/OnparleraHe/She/One will speak
NousparleronsWe will speak
VousparlerezYou will speak
Ils/EllesparlerontThey will speak

-IR Verbs

Regular -ir verbs, like “finir” (to finish), follow a similar pattern. The future tense endings are added to the infinitive form:

JefiniraiI will finish
TufinirasYou will finish
Il/Elle/OnfiniraHe/She/One will finish
NousfinironsWe will finish
VousfinirezYou will finish
Ils/EllesfinirontThey will finish

-RE Verbs

For regular -re verbs, such as “vendre” (to sell), the final -e of the infinitive is dropped before adding the future tense endings:

JevendraiI will sell
TuvendrasYou will sell
Il/Elle/OnvendraHe/She/One will sell
NousvendronsWe will sell
VousvendrezYou will sell
Ils/EllesvendrontThey will sell

Mastering common French verbs is necessary to carry out oral and written conversations. Learning French grammar is also necessary to sound like native French speakers. Now that we have decoded regular verb conjugation, let’s move towards irregular verb conjugations.

Practice future tenses regularly

Irregular verb conjugations

Many frequently used French verbs are irregular in the future tense. These verbs do not follow the standard conjugation patterns and must be memorized. Here are tables for some of the most common irregular verbs:

Être (to be)

JeseraiI will be
TuserasYou will be
Il/Elle/OnseraHe/She/One will be
NousseronsWe will be
VousserezYou will be
Ils/EllesserontThey will be

Avoir (to have)

J’auraiI will have
TuaurasYou will have
Il/Elle/OnauraHe/She/One will have
NousauronsWe will have
VousaurezYou will have
Ils/EllesaurontThey will have

Aller (to go)

J’iraiI will go
TuirasYou will go
Il/Elle/OniraHe/She/One will go
NousironsWe will go
VousirezYou will go
Ils/EllesirontThey will go

Faire (to do/make)

JeferaiI will do
TuferasYou will do
Il/Elle/OnferaHe/She/One will do
NousferonsWe will do
VousferezYou will do
Ils/EllesferontThey will do

Venir (to come)

JeviendraiI will come
TuviendrasYou will come
Il/Elle/OnviendraHe/She/One will come
NousviendronsWe will come
VousviendrezYou will come
Ils/EllesviendrontThey will come

Voir (to see)

JeverraiI will see
TuverrasYou will see
Il/Elle/OnverraHe/She/One will see
NousverronsWe will see
VousverrezYou will see
Ils/EllesverrontThey will see
Read French content to understand tense formation

Pouvoir (to be able to)

JepourraiI will be able to
TupourrasYou will be able to
Il/Elle/OnpourraHe/She/One will be able to
NouspourronsWe will be able to
VouspourrezYou will be able to
Ils/EllespourrontThey will be able to

Vouloir (to want)

JevoudraiI will want
TuvoudrasYou will want
Il/Elle/OnvoudraHe/She/One will want
NousvoudronsWe will want
VousvoudrezYou will want
Ils/EllesvoudrontThey will want

Understanding the usage of future tense in French

The future tense in French is used in several contexts:

  • Expressing future actions

To describe actions that will happen: Demain, je partirai en voyage. (Tomorrow, I will go on a trip.)

  • Making predictions

To predict future events:  Il fera beau demain. (It will be sunny tomorrow.)

  • Expressing intentions

To express what you intend to do: Nous finirons ce projet la semaine prochaine. (We will finish this project next week.)

  • Giving orders or instructions

Often used in formal or written instructions: Vous remplirez ce formulaire. (You will fill out this form.)

  • Conditional clauses

When paired with “si” (if) in conditional sentences: Si tu étudies, tu réussiras. (If you study, you will succeed.)

It is necessary to practice these concepts regularly to become good at French. When learning the future tense in French, you must be mindful of some common pitfalls. Keep the following points in mind while conjugating future tense in French.

Some common mistakes to avoid

  • Incorrect endings: Ensure you are using the correct future tense endings for each verb group.
  • Mixing tenses: Avoid mixing future tense with other tenses in the same sentence unless grammatically required.
  • Forgetting irregular forms: Do not apply regular conjugation patterns to irregular verbs.
  • Misplacing pronouns: Place pronouns correctly in sentences to maintain clarity and accuracy.

This is all about future tense conjugation in French. If you want professional guidance to reach fluency, we recommend exploring italki. In this era of massive technological advancements, online learning is an effective mode of knowledge building. At italki, you can find the best French tutors online, offering engaging lessons at affordable prices. Most of these tutors are native speakers and are highly professional.

In the section below, we have mentioned the features and enrollment process of italki. Follow the steps to get the most experienced and highly professional French tutor online.

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This online language learning platform is ideal for increasing your French fluency. italki stands out from the crowd for various reasons:

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The enrollment process at italki

Visit italki. Fill out your profile with all of the necessary information. Select the ‘Find a teacher’ option and apply the French teacher filter to find a French teacher. Choose a teacher who fits your learning objectives and requirements well. Plan your lessons.

It is strongly recommended that you stick to the additional material, exercises, and scenario-based content provided by your French tutor. Accept constructive criticism and work on improving your weak points.

Frequently asked questions

How do you form the future tense in French?

To form the future tense in French, you generally add specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb. For regular verbs, the endings are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. However, irregular verbs have unique forms that must be memorized.

Are there any irregular verbs in the future tense?

There are many irregular verbs in the future tense. Common irregular verbs include être, avoir, aller, faire, venir, voir, pouvoir, and vouloir, among others. These verbs have unique stems and endings that do not follow the regular pattern.

Is the future tense commonly used in spoken French?

The future tense is commonly used in spoken French, especially in formal speech, to express future actions, intentions, or predictions. In informal speech, the near future (futur proche) is often preferred.


Mastering the future tense in French is an essential step in your language-learning journey. By understanding the rules, practicing regularly, and being aware of common mistakes, you can confidently use the future tense to express your intentions, predictions, and plans.

To master the French language, hire a native tutor through italki. Book your lessons according to your desired schedule. Visit the website today!

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