Basic French verbs are divided into three main groups based on their endings: -ER, -IR, and -RE verbs. In this blog post, we will focus on the second group: IR verbs. Understanding and mastering these verbs is crucial for anyone looking to become proficient in French. We will cover the conjugation patterns, provide usage examples, and offer tips to help you grasp this essential aspect of French grammar.

Master French IR verb

Understanding French ir verbs: Conjugation and examples

IR verbs are the second-largest group of regular verbs in French. Unlike the -ER verbs, which have more straightforward conjugation patterns, IR verbs can be slightly more complex but follow predictable rules. Some common IR verbs include:

  • finir (to finish)
  • choisir (to choose)
  • réussir (to succeed)
  • remplir (to fill)
  •  agir (to act)

Conjugation of Regular IR Verbs

Regular IR verbs follow a specific pattern in the present tense. Here is the conjugation pattern using the verb finir (to finish) as an example:

Subject PronounConjugationExample Sentence
jefinisJe finis mes devoirs. (I finish my homework.)
tufinisTu finis le livre. (You finish the book.)
il/elle/onfinitIl finit son repas. (He finishes his meal.)
nousfinissonsNous finissons le projet. (We finish the project.)
vousfinissezVous finissez tôt. (You finish early.)
ils/ellesfinissentIls finissent à l’heure. (They finish on time.)

Notice the pattern: the stem “fin-” remains constant, while the endings change according to the subject pronoun.

Present Tense Conjugation Table

Here is a detailed table for the present tense conjugation of regular IR verbs:

Subject PronounEndingExample (finir)Example (choisir)Example (réussir)

Conjugation in other tenses

Imperfect Tense (Imparfait)

The imperfect tense is used to describe actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past. The endings for the imperfect tense of regular IR verbs are as follows:

Subject PronounConjugationExample Sentence
jefinissaisJe finissais toujours à 8 heures. (I always finished at 8 o’clock.)
tufinissaisTu finissais tes tâches à temps. (You finished your tasks on time.)
il/elle/onfinissaitElle finissait souvent ses devoirs. (She often finished her homework.)
nousfinissionsNous finissions nos réunions tôt. (We finished our meetings early.)
vousfinissiezVous finissiez avant le dîner. (You finished before dinner.)
ils/ellesfinissaientIls finissaient le travail avant le week-end. (They finished the work before the weekend.)
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Future Tense

The future tense describes actions that will happen. Regular IR verbs in the future tense use the following endings:

Subject PronounConjugationExample Sentence
jefiniraiJe finirai ce projet demain. (I will finish this project tomorrow.)
tufinirasTu finiras le livre bientôt. (You will finish the book soon.)
il/elle/onfiniraIl finira son travail à temps. (He will finish his work on time.)
nousfinironsNous finirons cette tâche ensemble. (We will finish this task together.)
vousfinirezVous finirez le cours la semaine prochaine. (You will finish the course next week.)
ils/ellesfinirontElles finiront leur présentation. (They will finish their presentation.)

Common Irregular IR Verbs

While many IR verbs are regular, there are also several important irregular IR verbs that do not follow the standard conjugation patterns. These verbs need to be memorized individually. Here are some common irregular IR verbs:

  • venir (to come)
  • tenir (to hold)
  • partir (to leave)
  • sortir (to go out)
  • dormir (to sleep)

Conjugation of Irregular IR Verbs

Venir (to come)

Subject PronounConjugationExample Sentence
jeviensJe viens de Paris. (I come from Paris.)
tuviensTu viens avec nous. (You come with us.)
il/elle/onvientElle vient à la fête. (She comes to the party.)
nousvenonsNous venons ensemble. (We come together.)
vousvenezVous venez demain? (Are you coming tomorrow?)
ils/ellesviennentIls viennent à l’heure. (They come on time.)

Partir (to leave)

Subject PronounConjugationExample Sentence
jeparsJe pars bientôt. (I am leaving soon.)
tuparsTu pars demain? (Are you leaving tomorrow?)
il/elle/onpartIl part à midi. (He is leaving at noon.)
nouspartonsNous partons ensemble. (We are leaving together.)
vouspartezVous partez maintenant? (Are you leaving now?)
ils/ellespartentElles partent après le dîner. (They are leaving after dinner.)

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Usage tips for ir verbs

Memorize regular patterns: Focus on memorizing the endings for regular IR verbs, as this will help you conjugate a large number of verbs correctly.

Learn irregular verbs individually: Pay special attention to irregular IR verbs, as they do not follow the regular conjugation patterns. Practice these verbs frequently.

Practice with examples: Use sentences and examples to practice conjugating and using IR verbs in context. This helps reinforce your understanding and improves your fluency.

Listen and repeat: Listening to native speakers and repeating sentences that use IR verbs can help you become more comfortable with their pronunciation and usage.

Use conjugation tools: There are many online tools and apps available that can help you practice verb conjugations. Utilize these resources to reinforce your learning.

Practice regular and irregular verbs separately

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Frequently asked questions

What are French IR verbs?

French IR verbs are verbs that end in -IR in their infinitive form. They are the second largest group of regular verbs in French and follow a specific conjugation pattern in different tenses.

Are there irregular IR verbs in French?

There are several irregular IR verbs in French. Some common examples include “venir” (to come), “tenir” (to hold), “partir” (to leave), “sortir” (to go out), and “dormir” (to sleep). These verbs do not follow the regular conjugation patterns and must be memorized individually.

What is the past participle of regular IR verbs?

The past participle of regular IR verbs is formed by replacing the -IR ending with -I. For example, the past participle of “finir” is “fini”. It is used with auxiliary verbs (avoir or être) to form compound tenses such as the passé composé.


Mastering IR verbs in French is a significant step towards fluency in the language. By understanding the conjugation patterns for regular IR verbs and memorizing the forms of irregular ones, you will be well-equipped to communicate effectively.

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