Nadine D
Tutor della Community
What are the benefits of Yoga? I am only 35 years old but my body feels like it's 75 years old😅 Can anyone recommend a good sport or hobby I could do? Share your best tips, please.
27 nov 2023 10:48
Risposte · 6
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27 novembre 2023
Hi Nadine. Yoga has a huge number of benefits, either physically or psychologically. To put it in a shell, the regular practice of Yoga reconnects you with your body, making you feel much more vigorous and healthy. If you’re really looking for some kind of sport to feel you better, I will say Yoga will do nicely for you. On the other hand, if what you like the most was to find some kind of hobby, interesting and rewarding in equal parts, then birdwatching could be a perfect activity. In my humble opinion, a fantastic combination of hiking with nature and birds. Cheers!
27 novembre 2023
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