Have you already taken a quiz today? Did you know it’s one of the most popular learning tools on italki? You can find them now on our website, app homepage and the Discover page. Go and give one a try! We’ve also launched Quiz Sets, where you can challenge yourself by practicing 5 to 15 quizzes at a time. Additionally, you can set advanced filters to tailor the results to your personal learning needs. Quizzes are categorized into 7 different genres, choose a type which you’re most into. We've created a poll to see which areas people want to see improved. Thank you for your feedback!
What do you think we can do to improve the Quiz feature on italki? Tell us why and give your suggestions in the comments.
Offer more languages
Offer answer explanations
Favorite and share
Other (Leave your answer in the comments)
181 人が回答
2022年5月11日 06:42
コメント · 12
It'd be great if we can freely filter any language we like, instead of just the ones listed on our profile. This applies to podcasts too. Still, it's great! Thank you to everyone involved :)
The quiz is a great way to help students and for teachers to be more visible. I would have one suggestion. It would be great when people could post a comment below the quiz, in this way the teacher could explain the answer to students. This is right now just possible when I make a quiz in the section -answer- or exercise-.
There needs to be a variety of levels (A1-c2), not just beginner.
Offering the possibility to edit the quiz once you've created it.
It would be great if all there features are available.
中国語 (普通話), 英語, フランス語, ドイツ語, イタリア語, 日本語, 韓国語, ロシア語, スペイン語
英語, フランス語, イタリア語, ロシア語, スペイン語