#1⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐시니 [Shinnie]
THERE'S NO LEVEL IN KOREAN LANGUAGE! After mastering my study strategies and mental strategies, and conjugation practice with grammar patterns Koreans and Korean organizations use the most in order, you only need to mix in my analyzed words and expressions related to the topics and goals you desire and do real practice. This way, you'll realize that dividing levels into beginner, intermediate, and advanced is useless. And that is the point where you will see that Korean language learning also can be easy.
___친절하다, 안 친절하다, 친절하지 않다
8 人が回答
2024年7月16日 14:00
#1⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐시니 [Shinnie]
中国語 (普通話), 英語, ドイツ語, 韓国語, モンゴル語, ロシア語, スペイン語
英語, モンゴル語