Dear English learners! Below there is one mistake in each sentence. Can you find and correct them all? 1. This is beginning of the project. 2. We're having a new manager. 3. They have meetings often. 4. Do you go to lunch with your colleges? 5. I feel myself unhappy. Feel free to 'correct' the sentences on this post or share your ideas in the comments below. Did you find this too hard? Check out the correct answers and learn more about how to avoid these types of mistakes:
2023年12月4日 11:03
修改 · 6
Dear English learners! Below there is one mistake in each sentence. Can you find and correct them all? 1. This is beginning of the project. CORRECT 2. We're having a new manager. CORRECT 3. They have meetings often. CORRECT ("They meet often", "They often have meetings", and "They have frequent meetings" are a tiny bit better because they place the modifier closer to the word it modfies.) 4. Do you go to lunch with your colleagues? 5. I myself feel unhappy. Feel free to 'correct' the sentences on this post or share your ideas in the comments below. Did you find this too hard? Check out the correct answers and learn more about how to avoid these types of mistakes:
#2 makes sense in a context where you are in the process of bringing in a new manager. The old manager will be leaving so you start looking for a new one. During that interlude when you know a new manager will arrive soon, it makes sense to say "We're having a new manager". It makes sense in the same way that it makes sense for a woman to say "I'm having a baby" until the moment when the baby is born.
Dear English learners! Below there is one mistake in each sentence. Can you find and correct them all? 1. This is the beginning of the project. 2. We have a new manager. 3. They often have meetings. 4. Do you go to lunch with your colleagues? 5. I feel unhappy. Feel free to 'correct' the sentences on this post or share your ideas in the comments below. Did you find this too hard? Check out the correct answers and learn more about how to avoid these types of mistakes:
Oh, no. Actually, It was not too hard. Have a nice day, Liesl!