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When learning a new language, there are so many new expressions that are usually tied to the culture behind the language.
Korean "delicacies" #9 It's been a long time since I found a Korean treat that tasted as good as today's word. I hope you enjoy it too! I believe that the moment you become a parent, you join an endless competition about whose child is the best. Mothers constantly motivate their children by saying: why can't you be like Anne? Look how great a career she's building! And Anne is, of course, her friend's daughter. I don't know how it is in your countries, but in Poland, the phrase 'son/daughter of your mom's friend'' is very popular. It appears in memes and jokes. He/she is always a epitome of perfection, and just the mention of him/her drives you crazy :) And Koreans even have a separate word for it! Isn't that great? 엄친아 - acronym for 엄마 친구의 아들 - son of your mom's friend. He is the ideal son, perfect at everything. The kind of son your mother will always compare you to. (EN) 엄친딸 - acronym for 엄마 친구의 딸 - daughter of your mom's friend (EN) 엄친아 - skrót od 엄마 친구의 아들 - syn koleżanki Twojej mamy. Chodzący ideał, do którego jesteś ciągle porównywany. (PL) 엄친딸 - skrót od 엄마 친구의 딸 - córka koleżanki Twojej mamy. (PL)
2025年2月19日 23:55