What do you expect to learn this course? Which personal and professional skills do you expect to develop? Which are the goals you expect to achieve on this subject? 1. Regarding my expectations on this course, I would say I am willing to find out how I will tackle a wide diversity of topics, which have to do with both entrepreneurship and personal development. I also think I will have a chance to engage with different people who have built their way up to success in much different ways than those we are used to. I expect we will have the opportunity to learn about things like: the traditional way of learning, the path we are supposed to follow and how to prove it wrong. When it comes to more specific issues I really want to learn how to create a company from scratch and take up the upcoming challenges. 2. When talking about specific skills I am exited to enhance my knowledge on the topics previously mentioned and expand my English vocabulary on a wider extent so that I can be able to talk comfortably in different situations such as in a work interview, serving a client or attending a conference, just to name a few. Another factor that, from my point of view, will play an important role will be originality, as we will be working on a new product, this skill will be essential. 3. Last but not least, my goals on this project are not very clear given that we have not already started, I have some vague ideas about it though. First off, I will be aiming to achieve success in the enterprise, but also to enjoy the process while the project goes on. Moreover and to conclude this text, when talking about future job offers or potential beginnings of entrepreneurship project in my life, I hope this course will come in real handy in this respect. Is that a good answer to these questions? I'd like to know which level is the text in based in the CEFFR, thanks for your time.
2024年9月11日 20:37
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2024年9月11日 15:25